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Reforestación Cuenca Valle de Jovel


Helping in the management of the Basin means increasing its capacity to provide goods and services. The beneficiaries with your help will be the people of the country, the people of the city, the flora and fauna.

Country people require more and better forest, water for themselves and their cultivation, productive land, crops and animals growing in harmony with nature, healthy territory, sufficient local economy
- People of the City require water and environmental services, food, recreation, sufficient local economy
- Flora and fauna spaces and enough water, healthy territory, full life

How do you help?

- To be aware of your dependence on the basin, to assume your responsibility with it, to value its goods and services, to keep it healthy
- Promoting change with family, friends, society
- Participating in tasks of:
Reforestation, tree production, learning to produce food, rejecting organic solid waste to compost
- Linking with organizations that help with tasks
- Donating for the projects of the Basin

Es decir, TODOS los que cohabitamos la Cuenca del Valle de Jovel, necesitamos de TODOS, compartimos la misma responsabilidad para mantener un territorio sano.


¿Cómo puedes ayudar?

  • Sé consiente de tu dependencia con la cuenca, asume tu responsabilidad con ella, aprecia sus bienes y servicios y mantenla sana.

  • Promueve el cambio con tu familia, los amigos, la sociedad.

  • Vincúlate con organizaciones que ayudan al medio ambiente.

  • Participa en tareas de:

Reforestación, producción de árboles, aprendiendo a producir alimentos, rehusando los residuos sólidos orgánicos para hacer composta, captando agua de lluvia, etc.




Civil engineer

Participating in the projects of the civil association "Citizens for territorial action in the Jovel Valley" has been one of the most important and rewarding experiences I have had. The year that I shared with this interdisciplinary group committed to the development of the most vulnerable sectors of our State in an environmentally friendly way, marked me deeply, and reinforced the idea of contributing in a tangible way to solve social and ecological problems that afflict our beautiful region. I learned many very useful things to achieve a fuller life and in synergy with this beautiful planet that is our home.
By participating in each of the projects in which I had the opportunity to do so, a huge desire arose to share this knowledge and ideas with as many people as possible and that each of us contribute a grain of sand to repair all the damage that we are causing mother nature.
I am very proud and happy to have been part of this beautiful project, to have met the great people who participate in it and to have learned so much in such a short time, I hope one day to return to contribute more ideas, experience and knowledge and obtain more from all of this.

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Organizadora de eventos

Este año (2022), me mudé a San Cristóbal de Las Casas y a través de redes sociales me enteré de las jornadas de reforestación. Sin duda, asistir como voluntaria me cambió mucho la perspectiva con la que yo veía a San Cristóbal, ya que, aunque es un Pueblo Mágico, con multiculturalidad, con espacios increíbles que las personas desean conocer, un gran centro turístico, etc... están ocurriendo muchas situaciones negativas alrededor del mismo, ambientalmente hablando. Ir un día a plantar un árbol a la montaña, puede ser un pequeño paso para un gran cambio. Ojalá todos pudiéramos vivir esta experiencia y compartirla con amigos y familiares. Es, literalmente, un respiro fresco al alma.



Es un honor servirle a la Madre Tierra y poder estar en contacto directo con la naturaleza en pro de la vida y recuperación de nuestros bosques y siembra de árboles que nos proporcionan agua, sombra, oxígeno, madera, etc.

Convoco a todas las personas a que se sumen a más campañas.





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